Thursday, August 22, 4 p.m.

The Castine Historical Society’s 2024 Annual Meeting and Program will be held on Thursday August 22, at 4 p.m. at The Castine Inn, 33 Main Street. The meeting is free and open to the public. Due to space constraints the in-person portion of the event is limited to 60 people. If unable to attend in person, watch the event live on our YouTube Channel. 

Watch the Event Live on YouTube

The program begins with a brief business meeting. During this time attendees can learn more about the Historical Society’s yearly work in the area of exhibits, collection acquisitions, care of the buildings, fundraising, and finances.

Following the business meeting, staff will give a show and tell of new donations to the permanent collection. The event ends with a social hour.

2024 New Board Member Election

This year we are offering both in-person, mail-in, or call-in voting options for current CHS members wishing to vote on the new board slate. Postcards will be mailed on July 19th with voting instructions for those who will not be present at the Annual Meeting. Mail-in ballots must be postmarked no later than Friday, August 23th. If you do not receive your postcard ballot please email us at or call us at 207-326-4118. You may also call in your vote to the CHS offices at 207-326-4118 prior to Thursday, August 22nd at noon. We are here to help!

The 2024 election includes three items. Please see each section below for information.

  1. Approve the 2024 new Board of Directors slate
  2. Approve the second term for two current board members
  3. Ratify the 2023 Annual Meeting minutes

As per the CHS Bylaws, three individuals have been nominated by the CHS Board of Directors to serve a three-year term. Below are their photographs. To read their bios, please click on the photos.

As per the CHS Bylaws, two current board members are being nominated for a second term. Please click on their names to read their bios.

Roberta Boczkiewicz
Karen Lyons
Brooke Tenney

Roberta Boczkiewicz

Roberta came to Castine through a slow eastern migration.  After growing up in the desert and mountains of New Mexico, Roberta moved to Texas where she obtained her undergraduate degree in Elementary Education.  Over the next decade she taught Special Education and First grade.  After taking some time off to stay home with her young children, Roberta moved to Milwaukee, Wisconsin where she obtained a Master’s degree in Anthropology, with a certificate in Museum Studies.

The Museum Studies certificate and a love of local history led Roberta to become the director of daily affairs, exhibits, events, and educational programs at the Mukwonago Historical Society, in Mukwonago, Wisconsin.  Unfortunately, the position was unpaid, but the flexibility of being a volunteer allowed her to experience every facet of operations at a small historical house museum and to work with an incredible array of volunteers, while continuing her work in Archaeology.

At the University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee, Roberta worked as a teaching assistant for the Archaeology Department, conducted research on animal remains from archaeological sites, presented joint papers and posters, and published a chapter in a scholarly work.  She worked as a teaching partner for a study abroad to Peru, where she collaborated with archaeologists, anthropologists, and biologists on several projects.

Roberta moved to Castine permanently in October of 2020.  After joining the CHS board in 2021, Roberta served on the Education and Collection Committees.  She also serves the town on the Castine Selectboard since 2023.

Karen Lyons

A native of Newtown, CT, Karen Lyons grew up with a deep appreciation for history and historic preservation.  She fell in love with Maine during a family camping trip, despite and unexpected encounter with an icy stream in Baxter State Park.  That enjoyment lured her to attend Colby College, where she met her now husband of 55 years, Bill.  They lived in Boston while Bill attended BC Law School, then moved to Bangor, where she was a stay-at-home mom and he practiced law for 8 years.  His desire to teach led them to Lincoln, Nebraska for 35 years, where Karen completed her MA and PhD in British literature and taught, as well as serving as the assistant, then associate director of the University Honors Program.  As much as they enjoyed their careers, they missed New England and the ocean, so in the 90s they began looking for property, ultimately purchasing land on Wilson Point, where they subsequently built a  log home.  They spent summers here, then retired happily in 2016.  Karen is currently the chair of the Witherle Memorial Library Board of Trustees and the newsletter editor of CHS’s Castine Visitor. 

Brooke Tenney

Brooke grew up outside of St. Louis, MO and first began family summer visits to Castine in the summer of 1954.  Her grandparents moved to Castine from St. Louis because they were looking for a place in Maine with a hospital nearby, at that time Castine met that requirement.

Brooke’s interest in nursing was fostered by working as a volunteer at the Castine Community Hospital.  She then attended Massachusetts General Hospital School of Nursing, later Westbrook College for a Bachelor of Science in Nursing and Antioch New England were she obtained a Masters in Organizational Development.

Brooke and her husband Gil met in Castine, were married in Castine and retired here in 2008.  They lived in Cape Elizabeth, ME for many years.  During that time Brooke was a community health and hospice nurse.  Brooke and Gil have two sons, Steven and Keith, who live and work in Maine.

Brooke has served on the Castine Historical Society board previously, for two years as the board president, and seven years as the chair of the Exhibit Committee.


2023 Annual Meeting Minutes Ratification

Read the 2023 minutes.